Based in Coimbatore, the prosperous industrial city of Tamil Nadu, Ahamed & Co is a family run operation. The family has been in the Timber business for more than 70 years. Ahamed & Co. got into the industry of modular furniture business under the brand name GARNET in 2001. Since then, GARNET have been producing top notch custom made modular furniture to cater the specific requirements and interior decoration needs of our clients all across Tamil Nadu & Kerala. We also have our own factory unit based in Coimbatore where we are more than well equipped to manufacture furniture which are completely tailor made to the specific needs of our clients.
Fill in the enquiry form to let us know your requirements.
We will arrange a team to visit your site to take necessary measurements (unless we could receive the floor plan from you) so that we will be able to provide you with a design & an appropriate estimate.
Once the designs are finalised, we will start with the production at our factory.
The final process would be to assemble & fix the furniture at site. And we're done.
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